HTML Widget Understands the following HTML Marks

Document title.
This is a searchable index.
<H1> </H1>
Header type 1.
<H2> </H2>
Header type 2.
<H3> </H3>
Header type 3.
<H4> </H4>
Header type 4.
<H5> </H5>
Header type 5.
<H6> </H6>
Header type 6.
<A> </A>
An anchor.
End of a paragraph.
Set off vertically like a paragraph, but the left and right margins are indented further.
An address.
<XMP> </XMP>
A section of plain text.
<PRE> </PRE>
A section of preformatted text (may contain other tags).
A section of listing text.
All the rest of the text is plain text.
<UL> </UL>
An unnumbered list.
A menu (currently the same as an unnumbered list).
<DIR> </DIR>
A directory (currently the same as an unnumbered list).
<OL> </OL>
A numbered list.
A list item in a unnumbered list, menu, or directory.
<DL> </DL>
A description list.
A description title in a description list.
description text in a description list.
An embedded image.
<B> </B>
Bold text.
<I> </I>
Italic text.
<TT> </TT>
Fixed width text.
<EM> </EM>
Emphasized text (currently the same as italic).
<VAR> </VAR>
A Variable name (was fixed, will be italic for 1.1 and beyond).
A Citation (currently the same as italic).
Strong text (currently the same as bold).
Code sample (currently the same as fixed).
Code sample (currently the same as fixed).
<KBD> </KBD>
Keyboard text (currently the same as fixed).

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