HTML Widget

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. The HTML widget should take an ascii string in HTML format and parse and format it for display in an X window.

WidgetClass htmlWidgetClass

#include <HTML.h>

The following is a list of the X Resources of the HTML Widget.

|                                         WbHTML Resource Set                                             |
| Name                             | Class                            | Type           | Default | Access |
| WbNactiveAnchorFG                | XtCBackground                    | Pixel          | Red     | CSG    |
| WbNactiveAnchorBG                | XtCForeground                    | Pixel          | White   | CSG    |
| WbNaddressFont                   | WbCAddressFont                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNanchorCallback                | XtCCallback                      | XtCallbackList | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNanchorColor                   | XtCForeground                    | Pixel          | blue2   | CSG    |
| WbNanchorUnderlines              | WbCAnchorUnderlines              | int            | 0       | CSG    |
| WbNautoSize                      | WbCAutoSize                      | Boolean        | False   | CSG    |
| WbNboldFont                      | WbCBoldFont                      | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNcurrentPage                   | WbCCurrentPage                   | int            | 1       | CSG    |
| WbNdashedAnchorUnderlines        | WbCDashedAnchorUnderlines        | Boolean        | False   | CSG    |
| WbNdashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines | WbCDashedVisitedAnchorUnderlines | Boolean        | False   | CSG    |
| WbNdocumentPageCallback          | XtCCallback                      | XtCallbackList | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNfancySelections               | WbCFancySelections               | Boolean        | False   | CSG    |
| WbNfixedFont                     | WbCFixedFont                     | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| XtNfont                          | XtCFont                          | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNfooterText                    | WbCFooterText                    | String         | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNheader1Font                   | WbCHeader1Font                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNheader2Font                   | WbCHeader2Font                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNheader3Font                   | WbCHeader3Font                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNheader4Font                   | WbCHeader4Font                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNheader5Font                   | WbCHeader5Font                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNheader6Font                   | WbCHeader6Font                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNheaderText                    | WbCHeaderText                    | String         | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNimageBorders                  | WbCImageBorders                  | Boolean        | False   | CSG    |
| WbNisIndex                       | WbCIsIndex                       | Boolean        | False   | C G    |
| WbNitalicFont                    | WbCItalicFont                    | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNlistingFont                   | WbCListingFont                   | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNmarginWidth                   | WbCMarginWidth                   | Dimension      | 20      | CSG    |
| WbNmarginHeight                  | WbCMarginHeight                  | Dimension      | 20      | CSG    |
| WbNpageHeight                    | WbCPageHeight                    | Dimension      | 30000   | CSG    |
| WbNpercentVerticalSpace          | WbCPercentVerticalSpace          | int            | 90      | CSG    |
| WbNplainFont                     | WbCPlainFont                     | XFontStruct *  | See Doc | CSG    |
| WbNpreviouslyVisitedTestFunction | WbCPreviouslyVisitedTestFunction | XtPointer      | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNresolveImageFunction          | WbCResolveImageFunction          | XtPointer      | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNtext                          | WbCText                          | String         | NULL    | CSG    |
| WbNtitleText                     | WbCTitleText                     | String         | NULL    | C G    |
| WbNvisitedAnchorUnderlines       | WbCVisitedAnchorUnderlines       | int            | 0       | CSG    |
| WbNvisitedAnchorColor            | XtCForeground                    | Pixel          | purple4 | CSG    |
Extra resource, only defined if not compiled with Motif compatibility
| XtNforeground                    | XtCForeground                    | Pixel          | Black   | CSG    |
The HTML widget is a child of Constraint, Composite, and Core. If compiled with Motif compatibility it is also a child of XmManager.