World Wide Web : HTML Developers
This page contains useful documents and links for HTML developers.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
This is a primer for producing documents in HTML, the markup language used by the World Wide Web.
HTML Quick Reference Guide
A Quick Reference of html codes.
HTML4 Tags
All HTML Tags (Keywords)(2/99)
HTML4 Specification
Specification of HTML4 (12/99)
CSS1 Reference
Cascading Style Sheets Reference
CSS1 Specification
Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
CSS2 Specification
Cascading Style Sheets, level 2
Netscape's JavaScript 1.3 Guide
The innovative language from Netscape
Netscape's JavaScript 1.3 Reference
The innovative language from Netscape
Microsoft's (semi-incompatible) version of the above
HTML Style Guide
CERN's style guide for online hypertext document structures.
HTML+ Specifications
The enriched language under development. All browsers support some but not
all HTML+ features. Ed: Dave Raggett ( Original document can be found at
Tools for WWW providers
Generate HTML from other things, analyse log files, make a telnet server,
web-roaming robots, etc. Several of these tools are available in the
contrib directory of the local WWW source archive.
Tidy: Clean up your Web pages