Mosaic User's Guide

Navigate Menu

The Navigate menu contains the following features:
Back (hotkey b)
Move back one document in this Document View window's history list. This action is only possible if a previous document exists at the current position; otherwise, the option will be insensitive.
Forward (hotkey f)
Move forward one document in this Document View window's history list. This action is only possible if a subsequent document exists at the current position; otherwise, the option will be insensitive.
Home Document
Move to the home document. (This is the document that NCSA Mosaic accesses when it first starts up.)
Window History... (hotkey lowercase h)
Pop up a dialog box containing the history of the Document View window. The document currently being viewed in the Document View window is always highlighted; any of the documents in the list can be double-clicked with the left mouse button to cause that document to be viewed.
Hotlist... (hotkey capital H)
Pop-up the hotlist dialog box. The hotlist allows Mosaic users to store a list of hyperlinks for easy access. For more details, see help on hotlists.
Add Current To Hotlist
Adds the current document to the user's hotlist. For more details, see help on hotlists.
Internet Starting Points
Retrieves a document of convenient links to various Internet services. By default, the document is retrieved from an HTTP server at NCSA; this can be configured at compile-time, if necessary.
Internet Resources Meta-Index
Retrieves a document intended to be a meta-index of the various resource directories and indices available on the Internet. By default, the document is retrieved from an HTTP server at NCSA; this can be configured at compile-time, if necessary.

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National Center for Supercomputing Applications