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C. Tolerant Applications

While it may be appropriate for testing applications to verify full conformance to this specification, it is recommended that operational applications be tolerant of deviations. This appendix mentions the most important topics where tolerance is recommended.

C.1 Request-Line, Status-Line, and Header Fields

Clients should be tolerant in parsing the StatusLine and servers tolerant when parsing the RequestLine. In particular, they should accept any amount of SP and HTAB characters between fields, even though only a single SP is specified.

The line terminator for HTTP-header fields should be the sequence CRLF. However, we recommend that applications, when parsing such headers, recognize a single LF as a line terminator and ignore the leading CR.

We recommend that servers allocate URIs free of "variant" characters (characters whose representation differs in some of the national variant character sets), punctuation characters, and spaces. This makes URIs easier to handle by humans when the need arises (such as for debugging or transmission through non hypertext systems).

T. Berners-Lee, R. T. Fielding, H. Frystyk Nielsen - 12 MAR 95

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